Social Commitment

Social Commitment

The social commitment of our lawyers is a fundamental element of VGF’s culture. We seek for causes of common interest in which we can get involved or contribute with our legal services. Some of the causes in which members of our firm have been engaged are the following:

Charitable Associations

Cardiochavitos is a Private Charity Association (Latidos de Vida A.B.P.) that is dedicated to the integral health of children suffering from congenital heart disease and who come from economically vulnerable families in Mexico and other Latin American countries. VGF supports Cardiochavitos with legal advice on corporate governance, regulatory and contractual matters.

Civic Council

A non-profit, non-partisan civil organization dedicated to social transformation, in which one of our partners is a board member.

Anti-Corruption Organizations

We have advised businesses and civil organizations on anti-corruption matters; among these is Citizens Against Corruption, in which one of our partners serves as a board member.

Mexican Entrepreneurs

Gender Equity

If you are interested in receiving more information or support in any cause, contact us at